Mahesh Babu, Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Siddarth has been endorsing various brands from quite some time and now NTR popularly know as Young Tiger, has been appointed as brand ambassador for Zandu Balm in AP.
NTR will soon feature in a 360-degree multimedia campaign, encompassing print, electronic and online media. The first Television Commercial NTR is working on Zandu Balm, The TV Commercial would be shot in Mumbai. The shooting for the Ad would start tomorrow and might be completed in next two days, and is slated to appear later this month.
Emami, which is trying to tap the younger generation, has signed on NTR as brand ambassador to promote Zandu Balm brand. The idea behind roping in the NTR is to make Zandu Balm more mass based.
And now the the another sensational news is that most crazy brand NIKE is in jr.ntr basket...he hav'nt agree for that brand but i think ntr is brilliant in selecting.
gr8 ntr